Issues Home About Contact Us Issue 2 - March 2012 عربى
Regional Developments

Land Forum, Third Session: “The Land, Peoples’ Sovereignty and Self-determination”

HIC-HLRN organized the third session of its regional Land Forum in Cairo, from 15 to 17 January 2012, keeping with a theme compatible with the coinciding first anniversary of the rapid and historical changes on the ground in the Middle East/North Africa. Arising from the order of the day and the experiences that the participants brought to the Forum, the proceedings addressed the deprivation of the rights and freedoms, especially economic and social and cultural rights related to land under the title “Peoples’ Sovereignty and Self-determination.” The participants shared a common lack of rights and freedoms and the full sovereignty of peoples as recognized in international law and legitimacy. 

This session of the Land Forum was unique in bringing together an unprecedented mixture of experiences with land deprivation and problem solving from Ahwaz (Iran), Egypt, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Nuba Mountains (Sudan), Darfur (Sudan), Syria (Kurdish territory), Tunisia and Western Sahara under occupation in its different forms. Participants were united in expressing their need to realize the human right to self-determination as peoples in their own democratic States, free from occupation, oppression, tyranny and exploitation.

The conference in three days of activities with participants committing to plans through working groups. The proceedings are included in the Land Forum report issued in Arabic, with an English version to follow shortly. The Land Forum also produced a calendar of networking and advocacy activities to pursue across the region during the coming two years.


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