Issues Home About Contact Us Issue 30 - July 2024 عربى
Terminology Corner
Cash Support Strategy

A strategy of providing various forms of direct financial assistance to crisis-afflicted persons and communities. To implement such a strategy successfully, it is important to understand the full context within which humanitarian cash and voucher assistance operates. Depending on the context, such a strategy might entail providing cash money, vouchers, or tokens similar to cryptocurrency, to ensure proper use of the negotiable instruments.

Humanitarian organizations play a small-but-significant part in supporting crisis-affected people to manage their own responses and build resilience against future shocks. Local community resources, remittances, government-led social assistance programs in crisis-affected countries, partnerships with the private sector actors and digital global connectivity are all part of the financial-assistance landscape.

For more information, see:

The CALP (Cash Learning Partnership) Network, The Future of Financial Assistance: An outlook to 2030;

Yousef Hammash and Ivan KarakashianCash assistance offers hope to Gazans in distress;

The Peace Coalition, “Ukraine HLP Pilot Project Concept” (2023).


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